Philippines typhoon mission trip Dec. 9-19, 2013
Flights: shared w many at airport and on plane. 2nd plane divine app. with my seat mate.
In japan shared gospel of John Jesus Film DVD with many.
From Manila to Caterman shared with many.
From Caterman to U-turn many believed.
Thursday, prison ministry in Borongan city, about 50 received The Lord.
Friday, preached in Hanani, door to door, 275 gospels given to the new believers.
At the feeding program 70 kids prayed with us to receive the LORD.
Saturday, preached to 75 in prison. Distributed relief items, preached to 300. Preached at relief staging area to 30.
Sunday, preached at a church. Shared with 20 around town & at the basketball court.
Monday we got 4,300 pounds of rice and drove from U-Turn for Christ past the city of Hanani, stopping at many villiages. We got on top of the truck and called all the people in the area to come! We preached the gospel to approximately 2500 souls that day, most believing the gospel and receiving the LORD! Praise the LORD! And then we gave them the rice.
Tuesday preached at the airport at Tacloban and to many waiting for their flights.
Arrived in Cebu city in the afternoon, we shared the gospel with many on the street and many believed the gospel.
Wednesday we shared the gospel at a evacuation center and at the airport, many believed and received the LORD!
I’m leaving the Philippines in a few hours, please pray for more divine appointments.
Please pray for Shepherds Voice Ministry! “Compassionate Evangelism” is available on for photos
Thank you, Steve Coon