Thank you for all your prayers and intercessions and giving of thanks and financial  support for Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training  in Thailand and around the world! The partnership is essential for the WORD of God to be proclaimed throughout the world. Anita and I arrived home around noon on Friday. God blessed the conference in many ways! God blessed the evangelism training last Thursday night. We got to share the gospel with many souls through out the week, we were at Central Festival and in the Night Market. Please pray for God to provide funds for the “Rice & Jesus Christ Outreaches” and for the conference that we are teaching in The Philippines in October and for the purchase of gospels of John and bibles. Pray for safe flights and timely connections and Gods peace. Pray for guidance, anointing and a double portion of the Holy Spirit, provision and health for Anita & I. God bless you as you listen to His voice and as you obey Him quickly. Thank you, Steve Coon

I will be teaching ‘Evangelism: Pure and Simple’ at Calvary Chapel Coastlands in New Jersey on Thursday Oct. 6.

Oct 10-24, 2016  Calbayog, Cebu & Masbate, Philippines

Pray for the Holy Spirit to instruct me & teach me in

the way I should go and to guide me with His eye,

to set up each divine appointment, to bind every

prince that would bind the mind of the unbelievers,

to draw them to full faith and belief in Jesus. LORD

grant unto your servants that with all boldness I may

speak your word, by stretching forth your hand to heal;

and that signs and wonders may be done by the name

of thy holy servant Jesus. Lasting fruit!

Oct 10,11,23 & 24 Plane & airport evangelism.

Oct 12, 15 & 18-20 3 Conferences & evangelism Training

Teaching ‘Compassionate Evangelism”

Oct 13-23 “Rice & Jesus Christ Outreaches”  & evangelism

Gods Spirit to reveal new locations to share the gospel

We will do outreaches near the churches in the villages.

Pray for 1,000 evangelist evangelizing the Philippines

For a great outpouring of Gods’ Holy Spirit! For the

opportunity to encourage all believers to evangelize in

every situation they are in! Weather, Provision,

connections, safety, courage & boldness and health!

Continue to pray for all the new believers & churches
Please pray often, pray hard, and pray fervently, the

Effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Please pray for Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training!

Gods’ protection on Anita.

Thank you, Steve Coon

 Partners see below for additional information

All donations  to Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, helps to reach people around the world to receive the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ and allow us to train men and women to reach others for salvation and the hope for eternity in Heaven.
Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, INC.  is not supported by any church or other organization, but solely by the contributions from the partners and supporters that feel that God is leading them to give financially to this work of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching others to also!

To God Be the Glory Great Things He Hath Done
All gifts are tax deductible 
Shepherds Voice is a non-profit 
501c3 Organization #46-0781028673
Thank you for hearing the Shepherds voice!
Mail to:
Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, INC.
PO Box 26158
Santa Ana, CA 92799
 Steve Coon Shepherds Voice Evangelism &
