Thank you for partnering with Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training
in your prayers and in your giving support for the work of evangelism &
training around the world! Remember we are in a spiritual battle, a battle
for the souls of men and women, a battle that is not seen, yet so
much more important that any physical war that has ever been
fought! For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
after the flesh: Fort he weapons of out warfare are not
physical, but mighty through God, pulling down strong
holds… 2 Corth. 10:3+4
God bless all that support the work of evangelism through
hearing Gods’ voice and obeying Him in doing whatever
the Holy Spirit leads you to do!
This is a great example of
the body functioning together.
Pray for each other also, as you already know, the adversary
has you in his sights, to either stop supporting the work,
or to distract you from obeying the Holy Spirits direction
to you. Because if he can distract you from obeying quickly
or from obeying at all the Holy Spirits’ direction to
you, the front lines cannot be effective for the kingdoms
work of preaching and teaching Jesus Christ, and Him
crucified everywhere!
Now for the Praise report: On Tuesday we loaded up the
Gospel Preaching truck with all the students from Cross to
Light Haiti Bible Training Center and headed for Jacmel at 7
am. The warfare started right away. We had to fix
a broken muffler (1 hour) then fix a flat tire (45 min.)
then we were on our way. We arrived at 1pm at pastor
Samoras’ church and then went out into the markets
and open areas to preach the gospel. Wilney a graduate from
the Haiti Bible Training Center met up with us to translate and
preach the gospel with us. We moved the truck around the city
stopping where the LORD lead us to. We gave out 2300 gospels of
John after preaching the gospel to those that believed the gospel! We
also preached along the way to Jacmel and on the way
back! On the way home, about 10 miles out from home, we had
a blow out of the inside tire on the back(duallies),
the LORD helped us get home by 8pm. Praise the LORD!
On Thursday we took the students to Croix-des-Bouquet open market to preach the gospel. We preached next to the prison and in front of a Catholic church. After receiving Jesus Christ into their lives as their LORD and savior, we gave out 2300 gospels of John to the new believers. Praise the LORD!
On Friday we went to the mountains where Pastor Lisson is working and preached to all that we found, and gave out 150 gospels to the new believers.
On Saturday we picked up a team from the airport and preached the gospel from the gospel truck and 200 of the workers received the LORD! We then drove over to Croix-des-Bouquet and preached the gospel to the multitudes, and invited the new believers to receive a gospel of John, 3400 people responded. Praise the LORD!
On Monday we went to Croix-des-Bouquet and preached to more multitudes and gave out 1900 gospels of John to those the believed the gospel.
The LORD blessed my flight home on Tuesday.
Please continue to pray for my health (Vertigo), for the LORD to continue to guide me and lead me and to continue to provide for the ministry and to give me a double portion of His Holy Spirit! Please pray for my upcoming trip to Cebu and Dumagette, Philippines, Oct. 12 to 24, 2014.
May God bless you with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus! Your brother in Christ, Steve Coon