Uma Koininia Faith Center service
We shared the Word of God with over a thousand souls and taught many believers how to simply share the Word the God. Masbate, Philippines
Over the TOP!
My trip to the Philippines took me over the top of the world. And God sat me next to pastor Arnold on the plane.
Youth group outing, learning to share the Gospel
Of the 31 youths, 4 received the Lord and 5 were baptized. All had fun in Masbate.
Growing church in Masbate Philippines
Many believers come to hear the Word of God
Refugees passing through Serbia
Refugees in line for bus to Sid, Serbia to board train to Croatica. We preached the gospel to hundreds in their own language. Praise the Lord! Pray for their salvation!
A little blanket and all of Jesus Christ for refugees
We shared Jesus Christ with many refugees passing from Macedonia through Serbia, and gave them some food and water and a space blanket. We brought 1500 Mylar space blankets similar to the one in this photo I took off Twitter. I was able to preach the gospel to 4 bus...
Preaching in a Vodoo town in Haiti
Many believed the Word of God and received Jesus Christ in to their lives! We gave all a Gospel of John until we used all 1,700 of them! Praise the Lord!
Gods work in Nepal slum
This slum is next to the river .
God is at work in Nepal
Some photos of Nepal in the mountain village
Lost Sheep Recovery
We looked at a waterfall and then we found this family, which after hearing the Word of God, BELIEVED! Praise the Lord!