Praises from the Philippines!
Thank you for your prayers and intercessions and financial support for the mission of Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, INC. in the Philippines and around the world! The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person avails MUCH! We were allowed of God to...
Bajao Village Burnt Down
Preaching to the Bajao People whos village burnt a month ago.
God’s word is powerful!
We were sharing The gospel of Jesus Christ at the night market in Davao, Philippines last night. 20 minutes after sharing the word of God in this area, I walked by and got this photo. God's word is so powerful! Thank you for praying, last night we were able to preach...
Friends that received the Lord!
At the end of our time in the park in Davao City, Philippines, we met these friends. We were aloud of the Lord to preach the gospel to all round 200 souls, and then after these gentlemen receive The Lord, we encouraged them to follow the Lord closely. Please continue...
Thank you and update!
Thank you for all the prayers and intercession and financial support for Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, INC. in the Philippines and around the world! God knows your devotion to HIM, and HE will reward you for your obedience to HIM! (see below) God allowed...
Praying for Olongapo, Philippines
Thank you for all your prayers and intercessions and financial support for Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, INC. in the Philippines and around the world. Pray for God to provide 6000 Tagalog Gospel of John per month! Please pray for the trip to Olongapo,...
Evangelism: Pure and Simple Seminar & Training
March 24, noon to 2 PM Come and learn how to simply share the gospel with your friends and relatives! The training is free, and you will be provided with free tools to make sharing the gospel as simple and as effective as possible. The training will be held at Calvary...
Preaching at Davao school
Elemerty school in Davao. We preached to 2 sessions of students, estimated at 950 souls.
Preaching & Teaching in Davao
Praying for the Philippines Thanks again for praying and interceding and financially giving to Shepherds Voice Evangelism & Training, INC. working in the Philippines and around the world. Please pray for "Evangelism: Pure & Simple" training at Calvary Chapel...
December Preaching in Davao, Philippines
Preaching at the park and at a high school