Preaching over the radio
July Haiti Praise Report
Journal for Haiti July 11-22, 2013 July 11. I arrived at the airport with 2700 gospel of John in French and other gifts for Haiti, I shared the gospel with the ticket agent and others airport workers, one received the LORD! I shared with people in the airport and on...
June Haiti Praise Journal
June Haiti Praise Journal! June 14 to 22, 2013 June 14. Shared with 2 ticket agents, 3 lounge workers and 4 stewardesses. 15. Arrived at 10 am, we went to Petionville at 11 am with a Texas team and brought 1500 Gospel of John with us! We preached the gospel and prayed...
June Haiti praise report
Going into the Petionville open market! First stop Preaching to the multitudes. They are hearing the word of The Lord! They believed and they are receiving The Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior!! Thank you for praying! We took 1500 gospels of John with us...
Haiti Praise Report!
Haiti journal April 25 to May 6, 2013 April 25 Arrived at the airport and shared the gospel with many there, arrived in Miami and shared the gospel with many at the airport! 26 Arrived in Haiti and preached the gospel on the radio and shared with a few folks. 27 Julio...
Haiti Bible Training Center April 2013
Cross To Light Haiti Bible Training Center April 1-8, 2013 April 1 When I arrived at LAX I discovered that I forgot my passport, while my son was on the way to the airport with my passport I shared the gospel with a ticket agent who received the LORD! I then...
God is in charge!
This is our tire on the way to a revival. The fiery dart struck, we then shared the gospel with 4 young men while they changed the tire! Yes they all received The Lord! Praise The Lord!
Praying for a new disciple
Praying for God Spirit to anoint this young man for His glory!
Haiti praise!
Thank you for all your support & prayers for the work of evangelism in Haiti! We are finishing our third day as a team at the Cross to Light Haiti Bible Training Center and God has done great thing! On Monday we ministered at an orphanage and then shared the gospel...